KS kultura sjećanja / remembrance culture

BMO / Online campaign - Like stone and bone: welcome address by Irena Joveva, member of the European Parliament for Slovenia

Oct. 17, 2022

Incisive welcome address by Irena Joveva, member of the European Parliament for Slovenia, as part of the project "Between memory and oblivion: WW2 places of remembrance". The four-day study visit to Trieste and Koper ended with a discussion on the importance of preserving architectural heritage. Neža Čebron Lipovec, docent and researcher in the fields of architectural history, conservation, heritage studies (Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska), Rok Žnidaršič, architect and docent (Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana) and Marijan Križman, president of The Union of the Associations for the Values of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia. The discussion was moderated by journalist Saša Petejan (APIS Institute).

Project partners in the frame of the European Commission program CERV: Citizens, Equality, Rights, Values

APIS Institute / Zavod APIS, Documenta Zagreb, Quarantasettezeroquattro, Topografia Per la Storia, Jasenovac Memorial Museum, Universität Regensburg, Socialna akademija, Max-Mannheimer-Haus Dachau.

The conversation took place on October 17, 2022 in Koper, at the headquarters of the Slovenian national contact point of the programme CERV.

Access the video at: Like stone and bone: welcome address by Irena Joveva, member of the European Parliament for Slovenia - YouTube

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