KS kultura sjećanja / remembrance culture

Final conference and Third transnational partner meeting in Thessaloniki

May 21, 2024

On May 13 and 14, we held the final conference of the project "My City through time" in Thessaloniki, Greece. During the two days, we presented the results of the project, exchanged good practice and discussed with a local audience and our international participants about the project topics. Most importantly, we have collected numerous recommendations on how to improve work with young people using civil and historical education methods and related topics.

Two days after the conference, we also met with project partners, we systematized the obtained recommendations, evaluated our cooperation and everything we had done so far on the project and planned a possible continuation of the project. All partners have shared the desire for the continuation of cooperation and numerous ideas in which the project and its results could develop further.

Now we are making the last result - a recommendation on how to improve work with young people using topics from historical and civic education. Follow us to continue to find out what the participants have shared with us and what the needs of the people who work with young people and what methods and ways to strengthen young people.

The project was funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
