KS kultura sjećanja / remembrance culture

The spring school in Mühlhausen successfully closed

March 16, 2019

The Spring School from 6th to 13th March was organized within the project Staring at Goats, under coordination of association Culture Goes Europe from Erfurt, while Documenta is one of five partners together with civil society organisations from Greece and Portugal and the Institute for Historical Memory from Estonia. About 50 young people from all over Europe participated in the spring school. The first two days of school were focused on workshops that were conducted with the aim of providing a historical background and reflecting on topics such as propaganda, construction of the other and different, stereotypes and prejudices, proper use of historical sources etc. These workshops served as an introduction and inspiration to the participants for the next four days, when they were divided into three working groups, creating comics, video material, posters, photos, blogs, games, Instagram story and even a rap song related to aforementioned subjects. All this material will be used in the upcoming online campaign that will be launched in all partner countries, including Croatia.