KS kultura sjećanja / remembrance culture

Disputed History: New Approaches to Holocaust Education

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Dec. 9, 2020

The project “Disputed History: New Approaches to Holocaust Education” aims at improving the quality of Holocaust education, fostering stronger social reflection on historical revisionism, increasing visibility of forgotten victims of Fascist, Ustashe and Nazi concentration camps, while providing professional development opportunities and didactic tools for teachers and youth workers.

The project consists of the following activities, to be implemented between witner 2020 and spring 2021: three seminars for teachers and youth workers conducted in three different Croatian cities; a digital publication presenting the methods and results of the three workshops; the preparation and publication of a historical guide and related tours of Holocaust and WWII Antifascist Resistance in Zagreb; the organization of a public Conference under the title “New approaches to Legacy of Holocaust and Holocaust Education”; and a public advocacy campaign, targeting government officials, experts and general public.

The project is coordinated by Documenta and is financed through the “Public Affairs Zagreb Small Grants Program” of the U.S. Embassy in Croatia.
